Personal exhibitions
 "WATER DROPS" | Massimo Scaringella curator | MAB Museo de arte de Blumenau | Blumenau Brasil  | aug 30th - sept 6th 2023
 "NUOVO VIVO" | Rosa Ciacci curator | Casa Musumeci Greco | Rome  | dec 25th - feb 26th 2020
 "Sulle orme di Pasolini" | Ti Con Zero curator | Civilization Museum | Rome  | oct 25th - nov 17th
 "ART REWIND #1" | Laura Cherubini curator | MACRO Museum of Contemporary art  | june 22th - September 15th
 "ASINO" | Claudio Libero Pisano curator | Rieti, Labro, Cantalice | july 2014
“WATER DROPS” | In collaboration with Ines Musumeci Greco | Istituto Italiano di Cultura SÃO Paulo | Brasil | Avenida HigienÃpolis, 436 SÃO Paulo SP april - june 2014 MORE INFO | Istituto Italiano
 "ICKU" | Costanza Paissan curator (text) | In collaboration with Ines Musumeci Greco | with patronage of Ambassy of Latvia in Rome CO2 Gallery Rome | feb 10th - mar 9th | MORE INFO | press release |
 "ICKU" | Floating art Center NOASS & Betanovuss | Riga Latvia aug 23th | MORE INFO
 “WATER DROPS” | Costanza Paissan curator a project with Luisa Laurelli | In collaboration with Ines Musumeci Greco MACRO Museum of Contemporary art Rome | june 25th - september 15th MORE INFO | MACRO
 “Il Tesoro Messicano, Meraviglie naturali dal Nuovo Mondo” Biblioteca Corsiniana - Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei | Palazzo Corsini Rome | may 31th - july 30th
 “Contemporary Districts #2 : TEL AVIV” | “Confluenze Mediterranee” project | Fabio De Chirico curator |
St James Cavalier - Center for Creativity Valletta - Malta Island | march 5th - 21th MORE INFO
 "Sui 粋iki & Shibuya" | Loto Arte Gallery Rome | March 8th - April 10th
 "Curchgate" | Loto Arte Gallery | Rome December 20th - February 26th 200
 "Aqua Art" | Palazzo Donarelli Ricci | Rome May 27
 "Contemporary Districts #1: Shibuya " | VI Rome International Photo Festival | National Museum of Oriental Arts | Rome | April 19th- May 16 th
 " Sui 粋iki " | Zen Rome | May 30 th - June 25 th
 " Luce Dissolve " | V Rome International Photo Festival  Rome May  6th  - 12th
 " Luceveloce " | Progetto Fare Gallery Rome January13 th
 " Sui 粋iki " | Doozo Gallery | Rome December 13th - January 15th 2006
 " Domaine Neferis " | La Notte Bianca exhibition | Palazzo Fontana di Trevi | Rome December 17 th
 " Strade con pioggia [amefuri no michi] 雨降りの道 " | Vicolo delle palle garden | Rome | July 8 th - 28 th
 " Luceveloce " |  WA BE 190 ZA Gallery - Angela Pasqua | Rome  March 2nd - April 30 th
 " Luceveloce " | Crudo | Rome December 4 th -January 4 th 2005
 " Luceveloce " Rashomon Rome | November 11 th -17 th  
group exhibitions
 "Le Stelle di San Lorenzo "   | curated by Valentina Ciarallo  Galleria Gilda Lavia  | Rome    |  31th march - jul
"Infinito Vicino" | curated by Massimo Scaringella | Palazzo Orsini | Bomarzo | 8-31 dec
 "PLASIR "   | curated by Flaminia Scauso  Salon Beauregard  | Yverdon-les-Bains  | Swiss  | 17th sept-oct 31th
 "99ARTS " Festival Internazionale di arti visive e performative iV ed.    Palazzo Doria Panphili  | San Martino al Cimino (VT)  | 17th - 19th dec
 "VOYAGE EN ITALIE "  Salon Beauregard  | Yverdon-les-Bains  | Swiss  | 4th dec 2021 -jan 15th 2022
 "FLUX "   | curated by Flaminia Scauso  Salon Beauregard  | Yverdon-les-Bains  | Swiss  | 22th aug-oct 31th
 "CARTA BIANCA. UNA NUOVA STORIA. 49Artisti x 49 copertine "   | curated by Valentina Ciarallo  | Museo Gigi Guadagnucci  | Massa Carrara - Italy  | 29th june-sept 261th
 "ART HEALS "   | curated by Claudia Pecoraro  Rome and all over the world   | 27th feb
 "Warriors of freedom "   | curated by Angelo Cricchi  Howtown space Rome  | 20th feb
 "Transfusioni #20.02.2020 "   | Omaggio a Costantino Dardi  curated by Anna Delia Rome  | 20th feb
 "LA CAMERA LUCIDA" | curated by Digid'a & Studio Arte Pisani  | Studio Arte Pisani  | Rome  | mar 22th-apr 26th
 "vesuvio quotidiano_vesuvio universale " | curated by Anna Imponente  | Museo di San Martino  | Napoli  | jul 6th-sept 29th
"MATRIARCHY & FEMALE MUSES: East, Middle East and West " | curated by Giuseppe Ruffo  |  coGalleries, Torstrasse 170 | Berlin |  jan 15th - 28th  
 "Open Cluster" | Studio Pisani  |  curated by Giulia Giovanardi | | Rome |  oct 22th - 27th  
 "Tutorial sirtaki" | on going by Elena Bellantoni & Mariana Ferratto  |  
 "Sogno Temesa" | Anna Cipparrone curator |  Amantea    aug 27th - sept 2th
"Naked City Project Photographic Festival" | Rome |  Feb 27th 28th
 "Togli il fermo | let it go" | American Academy Rome Nov 25th - Dec 16th
 "Quadratonomade" | Palazzo delle Esposizioni Rome | feb 29th - mar 4th
 "ECC Ente Comunale di Consumo " | Claudio Libero Pisano curator | Palazzo Venezia | Roma dec 16th 2011 - jan 16th MORE INFO
 "FOTOGRAFIA Festival 2012 " | Raffaele Gavarro curator Antonello Colonna Arte | Labico - Roma | Sep 24th - Oct 28th | MORE INFO
 "ARTiculate 2011 " | Saffonart London London oct 3th
"54th International Art Exhibition - Venice Biennal " | Italian Pavillion | "Lo Stato dell'arte - Campania" | Ex Tabacchificio Centola Pontecagnano |sept 29th - jan 10th 2012 MORE INFO
 "Disonora il Padre" | CO2 Gallery | Rome | sept 15th - oct 1th
 "ECC Ente Comunale di Consumo " | Claudio Libero Pisano curator Galleria Nazionale di Cosenza - Palazzo Arnone Cosenza may 15th - june 19th 
 "ECC Ente Comunale di Consumo " | Claudio Libero Pisano curator CIAC Centro Internazionale di arte contemporanea Genazzano (RM) December 10th - march 2th 
 "BATTITI " | Claudio Libero Pisano curator | Complesso munumentale del San Michele Rome September 10th - 25th
 "Diario Quotidiano" | MUSINF Museo arte Moderna Informazione e Fotografia Senigallia May 16th - 30th
 "Piazza d'Armi" | Emergency Room PAN Palazzo delle Arti Naples | April 10th - 20th
 "Codice 01" | DART Chiostro del Bramante | Rome | December 1th - February 15th
 " Foto.grafica.mente " | Galleria La Pigna | Rome | January 21 th - 30th
 " Proposte Segni Lucigrafici " | Galleria la Pigna | Rome January 27 th February12 th
 " Transiti " Associazione Culturale Artfest Rome | June 11 th -13 th
art residencies
 "MEZZA GALERA" | Giorgio De Finis curator  Carcere mandamentale Montefiascone (VT) |  Aug 2nd - Aug 9th
 "Bo-Cs" | Alberto D'Ambruoso curator  Cosenza |  July 17th - Aug 2nd
"Photograph-Art" Anna Cipparrone curator  Parco tematico Antica Temesa Amantea  Aug 27th - Sept  2nd
"ICKU" | Floating art Center NOASS & Betanovuss | Riga Latvia aug 23th | MORE INFO
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